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Steps for wine creation

Wine is a traditional product that has a production process where nature shows all its knowledge.

Vineyard care

Vineyards need a special care all year long. Around February branches are pruned from stumps. However the ground needs to be previously plowed and perfectly set up. On spring, when stump grapes are not seasoned yet, some products are applied to prevent any infestation. For the same purpose this procedure is again done during August. Read more

Some advices to preserve wine when it is opened

At some point of our lives we have enjoyed exquisite delicacies with great wines during a lovely event with the company of friends.

Everything is perfect up to here. The problem is when we realize one of the wine bottles is half finished… but there is no problem at all! Although finishing the bottle would be ideal, we have some advices to help improving the wine status in the short run.

  • Put a cork on it and preserve in the fridge: One of the options is putting a cork in the bottle and leave inside the fridge. It will be stored on a low temperature so the souring process because of the oxygen will be slowed down. In the case of red wine, to be consumed between 16-18°C, we must keep it in the fridge and take it out almost one hour before consumption in order to warm it up. For white and rosé wines they must be consumed directly out of the fridge, as it is usual to serve them in a cool temperature.
  • Vacuum bottle stopper: The second option would be the use of a vacuum bottle stopper, a tool we can easily find in wine cellars and department stores. With this tool we can create an airtight vacuum in the bottle but we can also take the wine aromas out.
  • Nitrogen: Another option would be the exchange of oxygen by nitrogen, a noble gas that will stop the souring process for two or three weeks. A special tool is required for this purpose.
  • Recycle: the last option happens in case the wine has lost is character, that is to say it has a different taste as it was just opened, and it is suitable for cooking. In this case we must keep it in the fridge and use it in the following stew if it is red or a cream sauce if it is white.

In order to avoid the last option, try to meet someone who enjoys the wine as much as you, share the moments associated to a good glass of wine and do not hurry, Toro wines withstand several days before getting damaged.

Consejos para conservar el vino una vez abierto

Todos hemos disfrutado, en algún momento de nuestra vida, de una agradable velada acompañada de amigos, exquisitos manjares regados con vinos ejemplares.

Hasta aquí todo perfecto. El problema reside cuando nos percatamos de que una de las botellas de vino se encuentra por la mitad… ¡no hay problema! Aunque lo ideal habría sido apurar esa botella hasta el final, tenemos preparados algunas consejos que ayudarán a mejorar el estado del vino a corto plazo. Read more


Every year differs from other in the wine production world. Time influence marks a milestone in wine quality and especially in its life expectancy. However not all the vineyards are influenced in the same way just as two people can have more noticeable symptoms than others such as a simple cold or a wasp sting.

It’s been more than 50 years preparing and knowing the land, more than 50 years knowing each one of our grapevines the same as a shepherd knows each one of his sheep, and that allows us to select the best fruit from the vine to create the greatest wine. Read more

5 details of wine harvesting that you probably did not know

With the incoming wine harvesting we are here describing 5 tips about wine harvesting that you probably did not know.

Wine harvesting is a millennial activity

In the II millennium B.C we can find Egyptian engravings with a wine harvesting representation and the crushing on tanks and at the same time the current Pharaoh used to have official cupbearers at his service. Read more

Hecho con las manos

Cada año es diferente en el mundo de la viticultura. La influencia del tiempo nos marca mucho la calidad de los vinos, y sobre todo la longevidad de estos. Pero no todos los viñedos se ven influidos de la misma manera, al igual que dos persona pueden tener síntomas muchos más acentuados que otras con un simple catarro, o una picadura de avispa.

Más de 50 años elaborando y conociendo el terruño, más de 50 años conociendo cada una de nuestras cepas, al igual que un pastor conoce a todas y cada una de sus ovejas, nos permite elegir el mejor fruto de los mejores viñedos par elaboran grades vinos. Read more

5 datos de la vendimia que quizás no conocías

Con la vendimia a la vuelta de la esquina os traemos 5 tips que quizás no conocías sobre la vendimia

La vendimia es un acto milenario

Ya en el II milenio antes de Cristo, en las inscripciones egipcias se representaba la vendimia y la pisa en lagares, a su vez, los Faraones de aquel tiempo tenían a su disposición coperos oficiales. Read more

Vendimia en Tardencuba

En silencio, y de forma inesperada han recibo la visita del bodeguero.

¡Hola queridas amigas! Les dice y las mira pausadamente, observándolas enamorado de cada uno de su movimientos impulsado por las tenue brisa caliente, envesado en cada una de sus extremidades de las que cuelgan el fruto mágico. Read more

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